The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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DOS Batch File
128 lines
echo off
if "%1"=="4" goto Test1
if "%1"=="5" goto Test1
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #1 ** Select (4 or 5) 4 = Version 4.0
echo - 5 = Version 5.0 or 5.5
goto error
if not "%2"=="" goto Test2
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #2 ** You must tell this procedure where it can
echo - locate TPC.EXE - At lease Drive: is required.
goto error
if exist %2\TPC.EXE goto Test25
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #2 ** Unable to locate TPC.EXE in the directory:
echo -[%2] (TPC.EXE is the Turbo Pascal Command line compiler)
goto error
if exist %3\graph.tpu goto test3
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #3 ** Unable to locate GRAPH.TPU the directory:
echo -[%3] (GRAPH.TPU came with your Turbo Pascal Compiler..)
goto error
if exist scredit.pas goto Test4
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #2 ** ScrEdit.Pas is not in current directory.
goto error
if exist validate.pas goto Test5
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #2 ** Validate.Pas is not in current directory.
goto error
if exist scrmouse.pas goto DoScrEdit
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - ** ERROR IN PARAMETER #2 ** ScrMouse.Pas is not in current directory.
goto error
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - **** Turbo ScrEdit - Turbo Pascal "Unit" Library Build Utility. ****
echo -
echo - This batch file executes the Turbo Pascal command line compiler TPC.EXE
echo - and creates the files: ScrEdit.Tpu, ScrMouse.Tpu, and Windows.Tpu.
echo -
echo - Format: TpuBuild Option Path-1 Path-2 Path-3
echo - ------ ------ ------ -------
echo -
echo - Option: Specifies your compiler version. Select 4 or 5 (5 = 5 & 5.5)
echo - Path-1: Drive:\Path where TPC.EXE resides.
echo - Path-2: Drive:\Path where GRAPH.TPU is stored.
echo - Path-3: Drive:\Path where unit files are to be stored after they are
echo - compiled.
echo -
echo - Example: TpuBuild 5 C:\TP C:\Tp\Units C:\Tp\Units
echo - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
goto Bombed
if exist windows.pas goto DoWindows
if "%2"=="" goto C1
if "%1"=="5" goto Comp2
%2\tpc /B /U%3 /E%4 /$B+ /$D- /$R- scredit.pas
if "%4"=="" goto cont1
copy *.tpu %4
del *.tpu
goto cont1
%2\tpc /l /M /$A- /$B+ /$D- /$E+ /$L- /$O+ /$R- /U%3 /E%4 scredit.pas
goto cont1
if "%1"=="5" goto Comp3
tpc /B /$B+ /$D- /$R- scredit.pas
if "%4"=="" goto Cont1
copy *.tpu %4
del *.tpu
goto cont1
tpc /l /M /$A- /$B+ /$D- /$E+ /$L- /$O+ /$R- scredit.pas
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - *** Evaluation version does not include pop up windows library ***
goto done
if "%2"=="" goto C2
if "%1"=="5" goto Comp4
%2\tpc /B /U%3 /E%4 /$B+ /$D- /$R- Windows.Pas
if "%4"=="" goto C3
copy *.tpu %4
del *.tpu
goto C3
%2\tpc /l /M /B /$A- /$B+ /$D- /$E+ /$L- /$O+ /$R- /U%3 /E%4 Windows.pas
goto C3
if "%1"=="5" goto Comp5
%2\tpc /E%4 /U%3 /B /$B+ /$D- /$R- Windows.Pas
if "%4"=="" goto C3
copy *.tpu %4
del *.tpu
goto C3
%2\tpc /l /M /B /$A- /$B+ /$D- /$E+ /$L- /$O+ /$R- /U%3 /E%4 Windows.pas
echo -
echo -
goto done
echo - Turbo ScrEdit Unit File Build ** FAILED ** FAILED ** FAILED ** FAILED
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto end
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - Turbo ScrEdit interface unit files hav been created and are ready for
echo - use.
echo -
if "%4" == "" goto blank
echo - Be sure to include the directory "%4" as one of the
goto done2
echo - so it includes the current directory as one of the search directories.
echo - directories listed in your compilers OPTION/DIRECTORY/UNIT DIRECTORIES
echo - search list.
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -